Patch 11.20.2022
A small batch to address issue with Disruption spell, as well as rebalance of the Scroll quests drop chance/exp reward. A targeting change was reverted and server issue with respawns addressed.
- Changed Disruption resist check as it was irresistible <100 mind skill
- Changed Disruption’s silence to 5 seconds instead of 10 seconds
- Disruption should now message players when the effect wears off
- Restructured drop chances and places to obtain scrolls
- now solo drop chance from lvl appropriate mobs rather than placed in tiered loot groups from all creatures with that group
- Problem with Bats – Infestation Black Widow Hatchling – New Bear Skin Rug – My Shadow is Haunting Me – Stop the Greedy Gluttons
- Injured Minotaurs Below Chlera
- Those evil Shadow Spiders
- Rock Trolls Near Josody
- Secrets of Vampire Bats
- Slay the Sand Golems
- Increased exp given for scroll quests
- Set min level req to take scroll quests (except lowest 2 scrolls)
- Bear Skin Rug scroll quest (for npc “Raff” in LSP) is now functional
- Added fail conf for marsh dungeon quest where it was missing on stage 8
- More pointer text in quest npcs on marsh dungeon quest for final stage
- Elven Tools will increase arrow output by flat quant of 5
- Removed ability for creatures to spawn followers if they are a follower (Deadwillows, Ice Golem, Golem, Slimes, Skeletal mage)
- Added solo great light encounter to marsh dungeon and bumped up Great Light chance to spawn in trash chunks w normal marsh lights to help with the spawn
The Junk Drawer
- Valinor was missing some music regions on the above ground map on coastlines/pond borders
- Increased max syllable of each race/gender to 4 from 3 – enjoy longer, more silly names
- Fix for random name generator – when no names were available had no way to exit and caused server to hang
- Reverted change to targeting limitation; should not drop target immediately when leaving play area
- Encounters not recalc/respawning at times and would become empty, then respawn at once and be a world of pain
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